Right in the Eye

under a voluminous lilac
a pair of hummingbirds vault
then drop
and leap again
like lunatic weights
of a pendulum clock
all the while
keeping an eye intently
on each other
                                   seeming never
                                   to see me at all
sometimes I think a hawk
from his distant perch
might return my gaze
fleets of swifts or swallows
gangs of crows
chesty robins
officious strutting pigeons
an occasional quail
                                   none of them
                                   looks me in the eye
staring at a daisy’s open face
or a tiger lily or the many
in clusters and bunches
blossom to blossom
                                   I can almost wonder
probably not

yesterday I watched a bee
in furry yellow jacket
devote itself
to a red clover
with the slight breeze
                                   as though

and all the butterflies
yellow moths and white
noisy little flies and bugs
visiting hayfield flowers

                                   as though

not likely