Every poem is a love poem


Every poem is a love poem

not every bug is a love bug
not every boat is a love boat

not every match is a love match
not every traum is a liebestraum

not every nest is a love nest
not every tap is a love tap

not every letter is a love letter
not every feast is a love feast

not every affair is a love affair
not every labour is love’s labour

not every handle is a love handle
not every weed is a love weed


Below: George Andes and Ralph at Worcester Academy 1966

I wonder does that jinx it?

a lot of them don’t make you itch
or any cruise  you’re better off rich

it’s hard to keep your foe down to zero
you seldom wake up a hero

remember the bee and the rat
like when it knocks off your hat

some just report family news
others are excuses for booze

mostly it’s just down to business
there’s different kinds of dizziness

better check before you squeeze
lots of them just make you sneeze

even this one?  Ipse dixit

RAH 12/07/09